My Anthem for 2019 [at least for now]

I love music!

According to my EOY bank summaries, much of my disposable income goes to shopping, and, another sizable amount goes to concert tickets…

…I would like to blame my husband, but this isn’t a new trend.

I adore that music can help define my mood and set the tone for my day, week, month, year…and I use it like a tool to create an environment which makes me feel limitless.

When I went to TEDWomen 2016, the theme was “It’s Time…”, and I found an anthem in the form of Sia’s “The Greatest” and that tune and message helped inspire me and encouraged me to take several leaps of faith, one of which ended up bringing me BACK to TEDWomen 2018, where the them was, funnily enough: “Showing Up”.

While there, I was again gifted with another unbelievably catchy and empowering tune Bomba Estéreo’s “Soy Yo”.

I hope this brings you inspiration, self-acceptance, and a dose of whatever special kind of awesome lives inside YOU!


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